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Recent events

and why I am so excited!

This past holiday season was simply divine, and I am thrilled to have had time to spend it with my hubby and family and actually get to go out in the mountains and forest. (I did this while sick too!)

It was magnificent fun, and I needed the refilling of my creative well. I came back home and entered into a free day for fantasy *thank you to * and from that recent event, The Magik Scarf was downloaded a total of 4561 times with one person actually purchasing it before the sale!

Then as I reeled from that great thing, I found out that I had a whole new 109 subscribers to the newsletter!

Can you say CHRISTMAS all over again???

I am just so excited for this journey with Scarf and for the next book! I will be posting word count updates soon so be sure to check back!

If you are not one of the many who got the book for free, it is STILL just 99 cents on the Amazon store, so feel free to get it at a nice price today! Here is the link to the book page :

Sincerest thank you and heartfelt love for all the support shown to me. I am humbled and grateful… and well, I better get busy on the next book, huh????

recent events
Photo by How Far From Home on

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