The magic of writing fantasy for young adults

The magic of writing fantasy for young adults

Writing fantasy for young adults is like weaving a tapestry of dreams, filled with vibrant colors and boundless imagination. It’s about creating worlds where anything is possible, where young minds can explore the depths of magic, adventure, and self-discovery. Whether you’re an aspiring author or a seasoned writer, crafting a young adult fantasy novel is a journey that can be both exhilarating and rewarding. Here’s why this genre is so magical and how you can make your stories shine brightly! Embrace the Wonder of Imagination One of the most enchanting aspects of writing fantasy for young adults is the freedom

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On vacation!

Check you when I get back! Hope your July is flying right by. Ours is. Time to refill the well as the saying goes. We fly out Monday AM reallly early and back on the 13th. I likely will not have a blog post next week, and very likely no social media posts. I am in need of a TRUE vacation away from digital life.

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