The Magik Scarf cover reveal!

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The Magik Scarf cover reveal!

The Magik Scarf cover reveal!

coming September 22, 2023 (Hobbit Day-if you know you know!) Book Blurb: Sixteen-year-old Alyssa Chance Oh had been called many things. Magician, sorcerer’s apprentice, even witch. But nothing had prepared her for being called a failure. After botching her first solo spell, where she only partially reanimates her grandfather into a voice in a toy jack-in-the-box, Alyssa has to set out to find and return a gryphon king’s magik scarf or else he will do something unspeakable to her grandmother. But that sneaky scarf is not where the king said it was, and now the only way to get to

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Keeping up with the others

Keeping up with the others

I know, I know. I have spent way too much time on the internet and way too little time writing. But in my defense, I am in the throes of pre-publication over here! It is a hard task to get a book ready for the reading public, but it is even harder to get it actually out there to them. I am making lists and checking them twice trying to be fair and play sort of nice. HEHE. I did just make a joke. I finished my short story yesterday, and that will be available soon as a free download

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