The Joys of Finishing a Book

There is a sort of joy in closing the final page of a book, a deep sense of accomplishment that goes beyond mere completion. This is likely why we like to start and finish many books in our lifetime. Finishing a book is an achievement that few can deny gives us a sense of satisfaction. Now imagine that from the author’s perspective! As an author, I am over the moon when I complete a project. I feel victory, and like I have reached an important milestone. Like reading, writing a book is a bit like going on a journey. Every
Merry Month of May
and why May is busiest month of the year… Good day, good people. I am working very hard on the sequel to Scarf. Almost finished with second draft and then sending it to betas. I have gathered four good folks to do the beta read for me. Then it will go to developmental editor for a few months (summer will be in full swing!) and then to the editor and then hopefully to you, my dear readers. May is the busiest month for me. It’s yard work time, and spring cleaning time, and now with a new pet, it is