The Joys of Finishing a Book

The Joys of Finishing a Book

There is a sort of joy in closing the final page of a book, a deep sense of accomplishment that goes beyond mere completion. This is likely why we like to start and finish many books in our lifetime.

Finishing a book is an achievement that few can deny gives us a sense of satisfaction.

Now imagine that from the author’s perspective! As an author, I am over the moon when I complete a project. I feel victory, and like I have reached an important milestone.

Like reading, writing a book is a bit like going on a journey. Every word, sentence, paragraph and page opens up a new world and the opportunity to meet new characters.

Authors often feel things when they finish a book they have written. I definitely do. Whether it is laughter, tears, or just deep thinking, I am never unmoved by the books that I write. And those that I read also.

So, in a long and rambling way, I want to say that for those who read my work and finish them, thank you. Thank you for taking your precious time to allow me to entertain you.

There is more on the way!


But for now, I am in a multi-author giveaway right now. You can get 21 ebooks for FREE just by following a few steps. It is a very easy thing to do!

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