A Writer’s Favorite Things: The Little Joys That Fuel Creativity

A Writer’s Favorite Things: The Little Joys That Fuel Creativity

As writers, we often find ourselves immersed in the worlds we create, lost in the ebb and flow of words that tell stories and breathe life into our characters. But what keeps us going? What are the small, delightful things that spark our creativity and keep us motivated? Here are a few of a writer’s favorite things that make the writing life a little more magical. 1. The Perfect Writing Spot Every writer has that one spot where the words flow effortlessly. It might be a cozy corner of a coffee shop, a quiet nook in the house, or even

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What I have been doing…

What I have been doing since my last blog post is not super secret. I figure all of you are following me on social media, so nothing new to be said. But for those of you who are NOT following me… I have recently been trying out colors to “brand” my social media. July was a bright color palette. Very summery. Now that we are coming to the end of summer (Heck, school is back for the little kids!) – I have come up with a lovely darker combo. If you do not know what I am talking about, go

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