Book stuff

Book stuff

Book stuff

It is truly annoying how I have so much book news to share and cannot share any of it yet! I want to be one of those authors who is chatty and fun and full of good news that fans flock to and comment about. Sigh. Suffice it to say, I am totally going to share this news with you when I can. Universe is saying, patience is a virtue that carries a lot of WAIT (weight in other places). In the meanwhile, I am working hard to come up with a good opt-in for you to get for getting

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Rainy season

It is the rainy season in my realm and there’s not much for me to do when it pounds down over my head. I have been working diligently on TMS and have submitted the info required to the place I am interested in getting cover art from. Waiting is not my strong suit, I’m giving it my best. While I wait, and in between rain showers, I have been trying to get caught up on visits with family and friends and get in a bit of beach time. It’s been pretty restful. Hope this June month is being kind to

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