Merry Month of May
and why May is busiest month of the year…
Good day, good people. I am working very hard on the sequel to Scarf. Almost finished with second draft and then sending it to betas. I have gathered four good folks to do the beta read for me. Then it will go to developmental editor for a few months (summer will be in full swing!) and then to the editor and then hopefully to you, my dear readers.

May is the busiest month for me. It’s yard work time, and spring cleaning time, and now with a new pet, it is even more necessary to stay on top of stuff. Need more kitty and doggy time 🙂 – I have also been frequenting a local coffee shop that is simply divine and I want to spend more hours there just writing.
Also, May has brought the spring rains to Florida a little bit early. I am not complaining as we have been in a terrible drought for some time. It would be nice to just have a few rainy days. Those sorts are for lying about reading a good book, and I am always up for that.
I am going to be involved in a multi-author giveaway starting May 22- June 1 – so be sure to watch this blog and my social media accounts for that. It is being hosted by The Dragon Hoard group on Facebook. This will be for Fantasy/Sci-fi books!
If you have special things going on in May leave me a comment. I love hearing about your month, too.