My writing goals

My writing goals

For the remainder of this year, I will have to step up my game. I have to finish getting Magik Scarf out into the world but book two is already underway in the brain game. For a writer, that’s a bonus. There are times when we cannot get ideas to flow, and then there are times when we cannot get them to stop. I have even been dreaming of my next book. That tells me that the ground is fertile and planting won’t be difficult.

Book Two in the World of Daegries series will be more epic, more tense and conflictual than book one was. That is the nature of the fantasy series, I think. The first book is one where you lay the groundwork for the battles to come. Mine is no different. Not saying that book one is not conflictual or epic, in fact, my editor complimented me on it, but the following books in the series have to take a different turn.

So, I suppose my writing goals should likely start with 1. begin writing book two.

How about you? Do you have any writing goals for the rest of 2023?

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