Hail and Well Met!

Hail and Well Met!

This is my first post on my new site!

I am currently in my final draft of the first book in my fantasy series, and the road is long. I am still finding myself world-building and my editor is saying STOP! Ha. Such is the writing life!

Many questions still to ponder. Makes me think of the old Tolkien walking song:

“The Road goes ever on and on out from the door where it began… Now far ahead the Road has gone, Let others follow it who can!”

I will be one who follows the road all the way to the end, fortunately.

If you are a new fan or follower, please know that I am working hard on the book. That is really why the website is still a work in progress. Thanks for being with me!

I have a lot left to do. But I am hopeful even still that it will be ready for publication by fall. In the meanwhile, if you are interested in being a part of this great adventure, I would love to have you along. Join the newsletter and be a part of the Company of Travelers in the world of Daegries.

Thanks to Alyssa Hurlburt (look her up on YouTube!) for her great map-making videos. Below is my first attempt at creating a climate map of the world. I have still to make the real one with mountains and rivers and such. I am not an artist as you can see! Hey, Alyssa, CALL ME!

Climatological map of Daegries

More soon!!!!



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