News from the World of Daegries

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News from the World of Daegries

Yes, I have news. Don’t all rush me at once! Heheh. Yeah, so, last week, I talked about getting a new laptop, possibly a Mac. Some of my responses were negative. But a friend of mine heard me and said he was selling his Mac Air laptop and was I interested? BOY! Was I! So here it is, y’all. All shiny and new, albeit used. It’s my baby. I have taken it out to a cafe, and to work, to get writing done. It is the main reason progress is being made on Book Two. It is a lovely rose

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Should I Get a New Laptop?

Should I Get a New Laptop?

My laptop has begun to act sluggish of late, and I am considering purchasing a new one. When I put the question to my X friends about getting say, a Mac, the answer was no, don’t do that. I feel some kind of way about it though. My kids work on Macs and they love them. Have nothing bad to say about them. And of course, I have an iPhone also, so there is that compatibility situation going on. The problem remains with the software. I use Word pretty exclusively, and while there is a Word for Mac, I haven’t

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