A Journey into the Enchanting World of Young Adult Fantasy

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A Journey into the Enchanting World of Young Adult Fantasy

A Journey into the Enchanting World of Young Adult Fantasy

Hey there, fellow young adventurers! Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary journey to realms filled with magic, mystery, and mythical creatures? If you’re a young adult reader or just have a taste for the fantastical, you’re in for a treat. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the enchanting world of fantasy and discover why it’s a genre like no other. The Power of Imagination: Fantasy books open the door and let your imagination run wild. From flying dragons to talking trees, the possibilities are limitless. These stories inspire creativity and encourage you to envision worlds beyond your

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The devil is in the details

The devil is in the details

Last time, I talked about formatting. Now I want to talk about the details an author goes through with a fantasy novel especially. Like… the map. This detail is one that should not be overlooked if you have the budget. And if you do, let me recommend my artist! Her name is Alyssa Hurlburt and she has opened up for commissions. You can find her here on YouTube. https://youtube.com/@Alyssahurlbert She teaches you how to create a realistic map for your world, but me being me, I am not an artist and preferred getting her to do it because SHE IS

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