First time ranking on Amazon

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First time ranking on Amazon

The Magik Scarf finally had a good showing on Amazon during the free download period! I made a snip for you to see. If you were one of the ones who got the book, thank you so much! Sorry it is not the best snip in the world, but I was just so excited I had to do it. Congrats also to the number one book, which I will be buying! Being an author in today’s world is oftentimes difficult if not downright depressing, so this was a big highlight to my Thanksgiving holiday and a much needed shot in

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Social Media

Social media is meant to be for socializing… but not if you are a marketer… Okay…’splain something to me. Why is it that we are told to be social (as authors) so that people will follow us and maybe buy our books, but when we post, we are supposed to be intentional, and only post things that are professional and fit our branding? well, maybe because it is effective? And can we do both? At the same time? I think this is a heavy yes. We can do all things. Be social on social media, but be professional. How? Don’t

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