Getting back in the saddle
Returning from vacation is like getting back in the saddle when you haven’t ridden in a long while. While the break was rejuvenating, the return to daily routines often feels overwhelming. Here are some tips for writers to smoothly transition and find the groove again. Ease back into routine Reconnect with your WIP Maintain the relaxed feeling Finally, getting back in the saddle from vacation doesn’t have to be stressful. By easing into your routine, catching up with fans, and posting on social media some of your vacation pics, you can create a balanced and fulfilling return to the writing
Body Language

Body language is an unspoken dialogue. I was in line at Panera Bread to get a small salad the other day. It was a long line I waited in, so my eyes wandered over to a nearby field. There were a bunch of people in that area and it looked like three clumps of them. One clump parents – one clump band members – and one clump smaller kids. One of the smaller kids was nose to chest with his taller associate. They were having an argument. How do I know this? Body language. Body language is an important part