Howling Wolf Press

You can go here to see the official notice on their site EXCITING NEWS – but the gist of it is that I’ve decided that I didn’t want to do all of the backend of publishing. I am an indie, and I love to write and edit books, but the setup of formatting, the booking of a blog tour, the uploading to accounts ad nauseum, nope. I’ve decided that is not what I want to spend my time doing. I would rather be writing! Howling Wolf Press is offering the opportunity to authors to do the writing and editing and
Keeping up with the others

I know, I know. I have spent way too much time on the internet and way too little time writing. But in my defense, I am in the throes of pre-publication over here! It is a hard task to get a book ready for the reading public, but it is even harder to get it actually out there to them. I am making lists and checking them twice trying to be fair and play sort of nice. HEHE. I did just make a joke. I finished my short story yesterday, and that will be available soon as a free download