Holiday greetings and wish list

Holiday greetings and wish list

Holiday greetings and wish list

This year, the only thing I wish for most sincerely is peace on earth. Our nation and others and all the peoples and cultures, be blessed. And maybe just a simple wish for family time filled with good food and happy laughter. It’s been a long and eventful month for us, and I want some nature-filled quiet so that I can regain a bit of sanity. If I can just go out under some trees and look up at the sky and marvel that I am a part of all of the things I see, I will be refilled with

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Festive Fun for Kids

Festive Fun for Kids

10 Exciting Activities to Enjoy in December! December is a magikal and festive month filled with joy, laughter, and the spirit of giving. As the holiday season unfolds, parents often find themselves looking for creative and entertaining ways to keep their little ones engaged. Fortunately, there are plenty of festive activities that can turn December into a month of unforgettable memories for your kids. In this blog post, we’ll explore 10 exciting things for kids to do during this special time of the year. Bake Holiday Treats: Get your little chefs into the kitchen to whip up some delicious holiday

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