Learning about Alyssa

The main character of The Magik Scarf is Alyssa Chance Oh. Recently, I spent time interviewing her for story’s sake as I write the next book, The Alliance of the Grim.
What can an interview do?
They can be very helpful. For instance, an author interviewing their character can learn all about their childhood(which I did experience). And also, learn why they like things or dislike things. The picture above was taken on one of my jaunts into the woods, and I could imagine her there with me as I trudged along because she told me the woods were her fav part of the story.
Learning about Alyssa has been an important part of writing her character. It has helped me to show more of the teenager side of her. Yes, angst and longing, jealousy and impatience among the list of her traits.
In my opinion, interviewing your character is one of the best ways to make them walk off the page and into the reader’s heart.
I may actually include some character interview questions from my time with Alyssa for my next newsletter (which is late as I write this!). Are you subscribed?