Behind the scenes of a writer’s life

fountain pen on black lined paper

Behind the scenes of a writer’s life would be a great title for a documentary, don’t you think? It is also a great way for me to envelope you in my life as an author.

What does a semi-full-time author do every day?

First, I drink copious amounts of coffee while I sit down with my planner and journals. I capture my social media stats on Monday. I do this in a special lined journal.

Then, I usually run through my budget for the week and check my bank transactions and what bills come due. Boring, right???

After that I get dressed, eat breakfast, and take daily medicines. As you might know, my dog will want to go out for a runabout mid morning and we have fun doing that.

Then it’s off to the gym to exercise and think about my day. Do I work that day? The next? I have a part time job so I do work outside the home sometimes.

If I am not working then I plan my afternoon session of writing. Usually from 1-3 pm. I strive for 1-2 k a day when drafting.

After that it is housework and cooking time. I also throw a load of dishes in or perhaps laundry.

I am pretty good at mixing up chores among doing other things. My final job of the day is to make the coffee pot for the next day. So, in a sense, I end the day about the way I began it!

Thanks for reading!

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