Keeping up with the others

I know, I know.
I have spent way too much time on the internet and way too little time writing.
But in my defense, I am in the throes of pre-publication over here!
It is a hard task to get a book ready for the reading public, but it is even harder to get it actually out there to them. I am making lists and checking them twice trying to be fair and play sort of nice. HEHE. I did just make a joke.
I finished my short story yesterday, and that will be available soon as a free download for newsletter subscribers. It is called Pianna’s Nightmare and it is a side story to the book, The Magik Scarf. You will enjoy getting in on a bit of happenings prior to the book.
So, I am also thinking of trying to gain some character art. Does anyone have someone they can recommend? I would love to have some faces to go with the names.
It is Friday today so my time is limited. My part-time gig is calling me and I must go. Check back soon, though. I have some milestones I want to share with you soon.