Tags: publishing process, upcoming things
Monthly check in
It appears that I am now doing a monthly check in. Blame the holidays. I have also been sick, so there is that. Good news on the book front though, I will be releasing The Alliance of the Grim in January. Y’all please hang on. Things move slowly around here. It was a delightful holiday, aside from the cold in my nose. The pets were very well-behaved *no fighting and no upsetting of tree*. See my social media posts through the holidays here: www.facebook.com/authormkbrowning I am hoping to finally get my 2025 plan going soon. This monthly check in is
News about The Magik Scarf
You don’t wanna miss this post and miss out on a FREE opportunity! But first …. news. The Alliance of the Grim is finished, except for the editorial edits that are coming. Then, I will send final word count to my designer and get the final and finished cover. The cover reveal will be in December, but I may have to do some teasers soon. The Magik Scarf (ebook) is going to be free on November 28 (Thanksgiving) and November 29 (Black Friday). This will be the last time I will put it up for free before the new book