Tags: publishing process, upcoming things
Monthly check in
It appears that I am now doing a monthly check in. Blame the holidays. I have also been sick, so there is that. Good news on the book front though, I will be releasing The Alliance of the Grim in January. Y’all please hang on. Things move slowly around here. It was a delightful holiday, aside from the cold in my nose. The pets were very well-behaved *no fighting and no upsetting of tree*. See my social media posts through the holidays here: www.facebook.com/authormkbrowning I am hoping to finally get my 2025 plan going soon. This monthly check in is
Don’t give up your dream of writing
Don’t give up your dream of writing and don’t let anyone steal your dreams either. I am sorry about this but, this will be a lengthy post. I saw a post online by a fairly new author who after a week or so of no sales wanted to quit writing. WHAT????? There are no quitters in the writing world, y’all – just like there is no crying in baseball! Here is a quick list of what to do when you want to give up on your dream of writing *Indies* If the answers are 1. because I love to write,