What am I reading/watching

Sometimes it is just good to sit down with your friends and talk about what you have been reading and watching. Today is that day for my blog.

I finished a couple books, *The Near Witch by V.E. Schwab, and *Different Shade of Wynter by Emmy R. Bennett – both delightful reads.

And I started two new ones – Susan Crandall’s The Myth of Perpetual Summer, and When to Walk Away by Katherine Center. So far, excellent reads!

This year has been a great year of reading for me, and finding great books has not been hard. I would like to encourage you to take a chance on an indie author. The amount of fab books out there by Indies is daunting, but if you need recs let me know 🙂

On the viewing/watching side, I have started the new season of Rings of Power and as they are like eating candy to me, I try to only watch one episode a week. I do not want it to end!!!

Likewise, I have started the first *and only so far* season of Mayfair Witches too. What a show! I am huddled around my popcorn bowl every episode! If you have seen this series, let me know how you like it.

Aside from that, I am behind on everything else. My housework is piling up and my writing life is stagnant at the moment. Not because of books and movies though! No, more like a lack of motivation. I have been working a lot at the day job, and involved with a lot of work activities. It’s tough to try and carve out time when you are already double booked on the weekends.

Anyway, thanks for hanging out with me. Hope this was fun for you!

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